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Who we are

ADC Microfinance empowers determined, inspiring entrepreneurs in Myanmar through client-focused microfinance. Microfinance improves lives of people living in poverty and enables the transformation of households and communities.

Since ADC's inception in 2008, supporters have enabled more than $3million in micro loans to be distributed, to almost 12,000 people - 92% of whom are women. It believes that by supporting entrepreneurs through microfinance, entire communities can work their way out of poverty through business development.

The special part about donating is that the impact of every dollar given continues to increase. As micro loans are repaid, the money is lent out again and again, recycling and multiplying the impact of every dollar. In fact, for every dollar that has been donated to date, $10 has been distributed .

Your donation means more than just income - it means safe and secure housing, nourishing food for families, and education for the next generation. Put simply, your donation transforms households and communities, and enables resourceful and resilient people to lift themselves out of poverty.

A $10 donation enables more than $80 to be loaned - for each $1 donated, $8.67 is able to be invested into supporting entrepreneurs.