Wellington Women's House

Wwbh 080

Who we are

Wellington Women’s House provides low-cost, temporary housing for women on low incomes or in transition.

It is a home to women who need a safe place to stay, often at a difficult time in their lives.

Its vision is that every woman in Wellington has a safe and comfortable home that enables her to meet her needs. The house depends on volunteers and donors who give generously to provide a safe home for women in need.

The difference your gift could make:
$30 could provide essential toiletries for a woman in the house, or a gift for a birthday or special occasion;
$75 could provide an opportunity for a woman to upskill e.g., a driving lesson or a first aid course;
$150 could provide a housewarming kit, with essential items a woman needs to move into a new home; or heating and electricity for 1-2 weeks to ensure women feel safe and warm, and stay healthy.